Sunday, May 12, 2013


Yes, Silas officially has double citizenship now!  Three weeks ago we visited the American Embassy while it was having a visiting day closer to our area.  Both Søren and I needed to be there in order to apply for Silas' passport, so we made a day out of it.  We headed to Århus in the morning and found a Subway sandwich shop nearby...(there are very few in Denmark, so we were pretty excited.  The weather wasn't very nice so we decided to go to the mall while Silas had to nap.  He lay down to sleep almost immediatly in his stroller, but 10 minutes later his head popped up and well lets just say he didn't sleep after that.

Finally it was time for our appointment and after Silas charmed the front desk assistant we were shown to the room. It was just at a hotel, so it was really nothing fancy.  But there was a dog and Silas was happy! It only took 10 minutes and we found out a lot of information. For example we found out that Silas does NOT have to choose between being and American or a Dane when he turns 18, he can always be both!  On the other hand I found out that I should have been filing taxes in the US for the past 7 years, so I have a lot of work to catch up on...not such great news.

On the way home Silas fell asleep in the car. When we got home the crockpot meal was ready and we celebrated with flags!

We could not actually submit the forms at the "Embassy" we had to mail the forms. Luckily there was a postoffice right there and we sent it off that day.  Then this week his passport and certificate of birth abroad arrived and made it official! Silas is now also an American.


Just for looks...I didn't want to actually post a picture of Silas' passport...but it looks just like this!!

Oh yeah, just for are some of the redos when we were trying to take a passport photo for Silas.

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