Monday, May 20, 2013

The Park

Warning to Grandparents: the content you are about to see is a little disturbing
Advarsel til Bedsteforældre: det I skal til at se er lidt foruroligende

Yes, this was all Silas' idea.  I went down the slide with him twice and the third time when I said I didn't really want to go down anymore, he went up the hill himself. I looked at Søren and said, "he is going to go down on his own"...then all of a sudden he jumped in and came cruising can see by our reaction that we were both very suprised and a little frightened.

We felt a little irresponsible, but Silas was just having a great time.  We enjoyed watching him fight to get up the hill in the loose dirt. He just wouldn't give up. He also enjoyed the new swing and bouncy thing.  When it was time to go home we were all covered with dirt....but Silas was covered from head to toe.

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