Thursday, May 16, 2013


During a short holiday last weekend, we spent a day at Legoland with Søren's family. Ulla, Peter, Lukas, Nikolaj, Celina and Inger.  We had gorgeous weather and a great day.  Right when we inside the gates Lukas and Nikolaj took Silas by the hand and showed him around. They showed him some of the lego statues and also the rides. You could just see how much Silas enjoyed that the boys were taking him by the hand. I also think the big cousins thought it was fun to have Silas with! 

We spent the entire day there from 10am - 6pm.  Silas tried out so many rides..Airplanes, trains, cars, firetruck..etc. The adults also took turns watching the kids and trying out some rides.  We had a fantastic lunch and snack and Lukas tried teaching Silas how to ride a tricycle. There was a great playground and Silas loved exploring all the different slides!  Around 6pm we headed into town and ended the day at a pizza place feeling our warm cheeks from a beautiful day outside. 

Put your feet on the pedals

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