Sunday, June 29, 2014

Benjamin 5 months

The past month has brought us lots of joy.  Benjamin is really starting to show his personality, and he is a happy little guy.  Just saying his name brings a giant smile to his face, and he charms friends and family as well, with his big toothless open mouth smile. Benjamin still likes his sleep and takes 3-4 naps a day. He also began sleeping in his own room at the beginning of the month and has now slept "through the night" a few times (from 8pm-5:45am)

The biggest highlight of this month is that Benjamin got his hip brace off!! June 20th it was official...his hips look really good and it doesn't seem like he will have to have the brace on again! We go in for a check in August where they will take an x-ray of his hips and then they will keep an eye on it as he begins to walk...but so far it looks really good!  It took Benjamin a few days to get used to stretching his legs out.  We would lay on his back with his legs in the air. But now a few days later he is already moving around on his mat and is well on his way to rolling from his back to his stomach.  We look forward to seeing the development the next month.

Benjamin kind of has a schedule most days: here is what the last week has looked like:
Wake up at 7:30am for breakfast
Around 9 am take a little nap of about 45 minutes
Around 11am or so have lunch and down for a nap usually lasting 3-4 hours
3pm wake up and have a snack--sometimes porridge and nursing
At some point take another 45 minute nap before or during dinner
Dinner for Benjamin between 5:30-6:30pm
Fill up before bedtime and sleep between 7:30 and 8:30pm
Wake up for 1 feeding during the night (anywhere between 3 and 5:45 am)...sometimes waking up and just needing the pacifier to fall asleep again.

Other facts:
1) Is very controlled with his hands, he reaches out for toys, or food, or noses and grabs right on the first try.
2) Wears size 74 clothes  (6-9 months)...can still fit some 68, but they are getting tight.

3) Moved up a size in wears size 4 (european sizing)

4) Began eating "solid" foods.  Has tried rice porridge, corn porridge, mashed apples and prunes.

5) Nibbles on vegtable sticks. Carrots, peppers, cucumbers...also tried grapes and watermelon

6) Can lay on his stomach for 10-15 minutes at a time

7) Still loves to put things in his he can put 4 fingers in there at one time!

8) Laughs a lot when you repeat a funny word to him

9) Is very aware of Silas...he loves to just watch Silas play and seems so happy when they are in the same room together

10) Is following in the Madsen family footsteps...lots of farts!

11) Weighs 9.3 kg (20.5 lbs )  and is 68cm long (26.7 inches)  - head size 44 cm

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