Benjamin and Silas now share a room. Before Liam was born we talked to the boys about getting bunk beds after Liam was born. The day we brought Liam home Silas said "Yay, now we can have bunk beds". We have waited until now as Benjamin was finally sleeping well and longer so we didn't want to distrup that having a baby and all.
Silas really wanted to help put together the bunk beds so on Saturday Silas and Søren went to work. Silas was really in to it and by lunch it was ready. The rest of the day the boys played so much in their beds and had a really good time. The first night putting them to bed went really well. Benjamin had been in his crib until now so he figured out that he could get out of bed and of course had to try that. However, he hadn't taken a nap that day so he was really tired and feel asleep quite fast. Since then it has been quite up and down as to how well its gone with goodnight time. It seems to be associated with Benjamin and if he has napped that day. The days he doesn't nap he is out like a light, the days he naps...well the other night he came out 25+ times and didn't fall asleep until 9:15 eventhough he was put to bed at 7:30. So...we are limiting his naps. Silas is taking it well, but gets a bit frustrated the nights Benjamin won't sleep because Silas can't sleep due to Benjamin getting up, talking, singing, making high pitched noises etc. We are sure this will pass. In general they both really like that they have the same room and especially having bunk beds.
PS: The first two nights Benjamin fell out of bed, so we put my maternity pillow under the sheet on the side that is not against the wall, and there have been no more loud thumps in the middle of the night!
6 months...half a year. That is how long we have been blessed with Liam. He is absolutely so wonderful! He is just forever happy and content. He goes along with any and everything, making no fuss, he just seems happy to be with people. Liam smiles to everyone and so far is fine with being held by lots of different people. When I am instructing Gospel Kids, I have Liam with and all the kids absolutely love him and want to hold him or play with him. He just smiles being passed around from child to child.
Development wise he continues to change. This month the biggest change is that he has become mobile! He can scooch around from one end of the house to the other in no time, finding lots of things on his way. Liam is incredibly curious and if he starts getting a little whiney all you need to do is put a new toy or item in front of him and he is chattering away again.
In general Liam is very quiet most of the time. He doesn't cry, but he doesn't say a lot either. The times that he does talk is when he wakes up from a nap or if he has something in his mouth. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and just talks to himself for close to an hour, just saying da da da or squealing happily. The other noise Liam makes is laughing. He is quite ticklish and giggles like crazy when tickled. He also likes if you bounce him a bit and say some kind of silly thing, over and over again. He just laughs and laughs, especially if he is tired.
Also this month Liam has begun to sit in a high chair. He seems very happy with having his hands free to grasp and hit his toys around. Also for a few days now he has begun to eat rice cereal with fruit pureé and each day he gets better and better at it. The first days it all came out again, but just today he ate a whole portion. The funny thing was that when he saw me coming with the spoon he smiled really big and looked eager to eat. He made happy noises while eating and if there went too long in between spoonfuls he would start whining until I gave him more food!
Liam also started sleeping in his own room. (Benjamins old room, aka. office). The first few nights I was determined to have him sleep in his own room the whole night, but after going back and forth many times and him waking up more than normal, we have reverted to putting him to bed in his own room and then when he wakes up the first time to eat (anywhere between 10pm and 1 am) then I take him into our room and feed him there where he eats and sleeps the rest of the night. Søren often leaves so we have more room. We are all getting more sleep, so that is top priority right now!
Finally, Liams rythym. He actually has a pretty solid rythym now.
Morning wake up: 7am
Nap: 9-9:30am
Nap: 11:30am-2:30/3pm
(Nap: 5-5:30...if he waked up at 2:30 or earlier
Bedtime: 7:15pm
Feeding around 11pm, 1 and 4 but most of the time just falls asleep again.
In between all that sleeping he is doing all the above mentioned things, including being nursed about every 2 hours. We love him and love getting to know him more and more, as do his big brothers.
We had a really nice outing with our good friends Jette and Carl and their beautiful girls. The trip went to Odense (a larger city on the island of Fyn- about 2 hours away) The place we visited was called "Fyrtøjet" (Also known as Tinderbox) and was given that name after the story by H.C. Andersen...the famous Danish writed who wrote the Little Mermaid and the Ugly Duckling to name a few. "Fyrtøjet" was a little children's cultural place where they could dress up as different characters from the story "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and play in an area where props from the story were set up. Upstairs there was also a little town made where the kids could play pretend with a kitchen, ice cream store, grocery story, etc. All the kids really enjoyed this area and spent hours making and selling us things. There was also an art room where you could make lots of different art projects. Both Silas and Benjamin enjoyed painting on the easel, and Silas made lots of pictures with paint, oil pastels and cutouts.
The handsome tin soldier and his ballerina
Story amazing and professional story telling of "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"
After being at Fyrtøjet, we took a walk in a park, ate ice cream and a snack and played at an unique playground before heading to Sunset Sandwich shop for dinner. All in all a great day with great friends.
Liam is 5 months and thriving. Just after I wrote the 4 months blog and wrote that he had rolled over a few times, he began rolling over constantly. He pretty much refuses to stay on his back and always rolls on to his tummy. During this past month he has also learned to scooch around in a circle and forwards if he wants to reach something. Liam is still only nursing and taking on weight as needed. His hand eye coordination has rapidly increased and he can easily grab things and more controlably put them immediately into his mouth. The most recent hit was when I gave him a toothbrush. He chomped on it for like an entire half an hour.
Liam amazes us everyday with his good mood and mild personality. He has been suffering from a difficult cough and in fact he has the RS virus, but it is SLOWLY getting better. However, even from all the coughing he remains happy and gives lots of smiles to everyone..also strangers. He just seems to take any situation as it comes. If you really want to get him smiling then he loves music, especially when I sing to him and when we play the piano together.
His schedule has also changed a bit. He goes to bed around 7:30 or 8pm and sleeps until 7:30am...well of course with some nightly nursings. Usually around 2 and again at 4 at the current moment. Just 1 week ago he was waking around 11 and 1 and 3 and 5...every two we like the current situation now much better. Then he takes a nap from around 10am to 2pm-ish and again a short 30 minute nap at some time before going to bed for the night. It's weird to have our nights to ourselves again...I actually miss that alone time with Liam where things are quiet and there is time to just hang out with him. So I'm trying to really focus on our time together during the week while Silas and Benjamin are at pre-school.
His brothers are still absoutely in love with him and are still the best at getting him to laugh! We absolutely enjoy watching them love on their baby brother. We are so blessed!
Weight: 8.5 kgs and length 65cm
First time at Babybio with Godmother Kirsten. We saw La La Land