Thursday, March 2, 2017

Silas quotes

Silas is such a sweet boy and says so many things that make us smile! They other day we were listening to music in the car and I was singing along really loudly and dancing, and I asked him if he likes to sing.  He responded, "A little bit Mommy".  Then I asked him what he did like to do with music, and he answered "Make rock!"

Another funny ancedote is that he waves to the stop lights when we drive by them saying hi to the red or white "walk" man.

A lot of days when we are driving home from pre-school he will say to me. "I really missed you today Mommy!"

When Frøstruphave put on their annual musical I took the boys, with the help of Farmor, to see it.  The boys were really into it and on the way home Silas wanted to put on his own musical.  He needed to have a stage, and curtains and instruments and then with his amazing memory he started repeating lines from the musical he had just seen 1 time.  Søren and I were instructed to sit on the couch and watch!

Just some things I want to remember!

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