Monday, March 27, 2017

Moving in together!

Benjamin and Silas now share a room.  Before Liam was born we talked to the boys about getting bunk beds after Liam was born.  The day we brought Liam home Silas said "Yay, now we can have bunk beds".  We have waited until now as Benjamin was finally sleeping well and longer so we didn't want to distrup that having a baby and all.

Silas really wanted to help put together the bunk beds so on Saturday Silas and Søren went to work. Silas was really in to it and by lunch it was ready.  The rest of the day the boys played so much in their beds and had a really good time.  The first night putting them to bed went really well.  Benjamin had been in his crib until now so he figured out that he could get out of bed and of course had to try that.  However, he hadn't taken a nap that day so he was really tired and feel asleep quite fast.  Since then it has been quite up and down as to how well its gone with goodnight time. It seems to be associated with Benjamin and if he has napped that day.  The days he doesn't nap he is out like a light, the days he naps...well the other night he came out 25+ times and didn't fall asleep until 9:15 eventhough he was put to bed at 7:30.  So...we are limiting his naps.  Silas is taking it well, but gets a bit frustrated the nights Benjamin won't sleep because Silas can't sleep due to Benjamin getting up, talking, singing, making high pitched noises etc.  We are sure this will pass.  In general they both really like that they have the same room and especially having bunk beds.

PS: The first two nights Benjamin fell out of bed, so we put my maternity pillow under the sheet on the side that is not against the wall, and there have been no more loud thumps in the middle of the night!



Middle of the night snapshot

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