Sunday, March 26, 2017

H C Andersen

We had a really nice outing with our good friends Jette and Carl and their beautiful girls.  The trip went to Odense (a larger city on the island of Fyn- about 2 hours away)  The place we visited was called "Fyrtøjet" (Also known as Tinderbox) and was given that name after the story by H.C. Andersen...the famous Danish writed who wrote the Little Mermaid and the Ugly Duckling to name a few. "Fyrtøjet" was a little children's cultural place where they could dress up as different characters from the story "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and play in an area where props from the story were set up.  Upstairs there was also a little town made where the kids could play pretend with a kitchen, ice cream store, grocery story, etc.  All the kids really enjoyed this area and spent hours making and selling us things.  There was also an art room where you could make lots of different art projects.  Both Silas and Benjamin enjoyed painting on the easel, and Silas made lots of pictures with paint, oil pastels and cutouts.

The handsome tin soldier and his ballerina

Story amazing and professional story telling of "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

After being at Fyrtøjet, we took a walk in a park, ate ice cream and a snack and played at an unique playground before heading to Sunset Sandwich shop for dinner.  All in all a great day with great friends.

Uno as the kids prize in the kids meals!!

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