Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Benjamin 4 months

Benjamin 4 months

4 months old, where does the time go.  I could write that every month probably for the rest  of my life.  That's how life seems after having flies and we wonder where it went.

This past month has been amazing getting to know Benjamin more and more. He is so full of joy and he can show it now.  He smiles pretty much all day long, and it doesn't take much to make him giggle like crazy. He loves to get kisses on his neck and he will laugh so hard you find yourself laughing just as hard during and afterwards.

This month has also been a month of Benjamin in his hip brace.  He doesn't seem too bothered by it, however, he does try to get up on his knees which is very difficult with the brace.  He also tries to stand if you are holding him, but again the brace restricts this.  We are hopeful that the brace is helping and that he can get it off soon.

As for a routine, well it's pretty hard to say. But he does like to take one 4 hour nap each day.  Sometimes it's from 10-2 other times from 12-4....and everything in between.  Otherwise he just takes 45 minute power naps about every 1½-2 hours.  He is usually sleeping for the night by 8pm and wakes up one to five times to eat! Last week was a rough week with Benjamin waking up every hour after midnight to eat, talk or just be awake.  We are praying for more nights like last night where he slept fra 8pm-3:30am without waking up!

Otherwise some more info that is noteworthy

1) He sucks on his hands constantly...all day really. He sucks really hard and his hands turn red and drool runs all over!

2) Now enjoys laying on his stomach and can move his head all the way to both sides.  Can lay like this for up to 10 minutes now.

3) Likes peek-a-boo with a cloth or diaper

4) A lot more cooing and blubber noises

5) A new sound: like a squawking bird...we can't tell if it's a happy or a mad noise yet.

6) Has a new favorite song: "Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. golden sun...please shine down on me."

7) Likes to lay on his playmat and talk to his toys...especially the blue and purple elephants. He can also grab the toys now and put them in his mouth.

8) Enjoys looking in the mirror, both at himself and his crazy Mommy who tries to make him smile.

9) He started getting distracted while eating.  He will look up if there are loud noises and just smile at me.  He also does a crawl stroke move with his free hand and scratches me on my chest.

10) Wants to grab things constantly...especially hair and necklaces.

11) Weighs 8.5 kg with his brace one - length was impossible to measure due to the brace
 (later found out the brace weighed he was about 8.3kg)

In general Benjamin is very alert and you can see his curiousity looking around at things. Almost everybody we meet stops and talks to him and says he is SO adorable...we can only agree!

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