Benjamin is now officially sleeping in his own room at night, and it has been a huge success. For the past week, we have all been getting more sleep and that means a lot. A few weeks ago, Benjamin was waking up every other hour at night. They only way to get him to go back to sleep was to nurse him...and well it worked, it wasn't optimal. I figured the nights couldn't get much worse so we might as well try putting him into his own room. Already the first night he slept until 3:30 am before needing to eat and has done so most of the nights since. I have started feeding him in the guest bed that is still in his room. Sometimes he falls asleep and other times I put him over into his bed while he is wide awake and he usually talks himself to sleep within the next 45 minutes or so. When he is in his own room talking, the rest of us are able to sleep and I can easily hear him if he needs me for something, as opposed to chatting loudly in my ear in his basket next to our bed! It's a great thing for everyone.
As you can see his room is not quite his own, yet. It is still our office space and the occasional guest room. So basically we just put his bed into the office. But hey, it works for now, so we will take it as it comes. But yeah, that would never have flown with Silas...and that's the beauty of parenthood, you realize some things just aren't as inportant as you once believed. But you love them just the same. :-)
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