The morning of his birthday Søren and I went into Silas' room when we heard him wake up at 6am. We sang him two birthday songs and asked him to come into the kitchen. He looked out the window and yelled "A trampoline!"..Yeah that's your birthday present Silas..."My trampoline" he exclaimed happily! We waited a few hours before we let him out to try it, and he loved it, he's spent hours on it since! Then it wsa time to go to Legoland! We went with our friends Else & Simon, and Silas' little friend Samuel. The boys had a blast trying the different rides, playing in the Duplo playground, and well circling a tree while eating lunch was also a big hit. The weather was beautiful, so there were a lot of people there, but we all had a great time. Silas fell asleep in the car on the way there and on the way home and talked about the Frog Hopper the rest of the day. We called Grandma and Silas opened his present from her over Skype. It was fun to see his excited face as he opened the remote controlled car.
Saturday we had a birthday party for Søren's side of the family. In the morning we had some things to get ready so Søren was outside working while Silas jumped on his trampoline! Benjamin and I had the inside chores and Inger came to help at lunch time as well. Finally 3 o'clock came around and the other guests arrived. Silas opened his presents and got 2 tents, some plastic beads and boards, a summer t-shirt and a police motorcykle. He was excited about it all, but the motorcyckle has really been a hit. He has slept with it the past 2 nights and it's the first thing he looks for in the morning!
Silas had asked for ice cream and cake for his birthday, so he got an icecream cake. Since there are no Dairy Queens in Denmark, I decided to try to make something similar from scratch. I took it in steps throughout the week and if I do say so myself, it was delicious!!! After birthday cake we went outside and played a water rocket game Silas' crazy Mommy made up. We all had a good time and didn't even get too wet! For dinner we had tacos/fajitas and more fruit and coffee before the guests left a little after 8. We all had a wonderful day and could tell how much fun Silas had.
The final birthday hurrah was a small party at his preschool. We brought pineapple, watermelon and chocolate cake and shared with the entire red group. They sang a birthday song for Silas and Silas even got a present (that he had made himself!). Silas enjoyed having Mommy and Benjamin at preschool for a little while!
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