Hello all! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas season! I know we are!I do believe I have mentioned before that Danes like to eat! Well its true and what better time of year than Christmas to eat a lot. And seeing as I am writing before Christmas its not just on Christmas day that they eat a lot. They arrange special days up to Christmas, (sometimes already in November) where it is about eating. They call it Julefrokost or Christmas Lunch. It is a tradition for any one who considers themselves a "group" to hold a Christmas Lunch. For example, with the people you work with, with the people you sing in a choir with, with the people you go to school with, or have gone to school with, with the people at your church, for the people you live by and whatever either type of group you can think of. If there is a way to eat more then they will find it!!!
Well anyway, Søren and I have been to 2 Christmas Lunches already this year. Last weekend it was with our work and just yesterday we had a Christmas lunch with our bible study group. They were both beautiful parties with fun, friends and amazing food. Some of the traditional foods are Herring with a Curry salad on brown bread, Fish filets with lemon, A kind of pork roast, warm red caggage, sausages, liver paste, brown potatoes, and much more. It is all pretty tasty! But a lot of food!!! Because there is of course also dessert and coffee with cake afterwards. The typical Christmas lunch dessert is a dessert made with rice, almond pieces and cream. Then you add a warm fruity sauce to top it off. Delicious in smaller portions!
Unfortunately there are no more official Christmas Lunches for us this year but I think we will be full until next year anyway, so its probably a good thing!

Flæskesteg (The pork roast)

Ris a la mande (The rice dessert)

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