Monday, December 22, 2008

Music is in the air!

Just last week I played French Horn for a very large Christmas concert in one of the large cities "nearby". I played with the same orchestra last year but after moving farther away I stopped. However they needed an extra horn player for their Christmas concert so I said yes.

It was so fun to play again and especially Christmas music. It was a family Christmas concert so there were also kids involved. And when I say kids I mean kids from over 20 different schools in the area. In all they made a 400 person choir and sung a variety of songs together. Some songs with the orchestra and some songs with more of a rock band. It was a really cool experience to hear and see so many kids up on stage! Søren was sweet enough to come with to the concert and take some pictures even though he heard almost the same concert last year! But I think it was the Pirates of The Carribean medley we played that attracted him.

It was a busy week having the concert and also finishing up at school. The last week of school before vacation was a bit special. Both Thursday and Friday morning the students had to clean from 8am until 12, and of course the teachers were also helping. It was a long time to keep teenagers motivated with cleaning but in the end the school sparkled and we felt we had accomplished something! Søren had Christmas vacation already after Thursday and as the schools sound tech he was at the school Friday + Saturday to help with the sound. Then on Saturday we had a special Christmas program of our own a school for the students' families. My choir sang a few songs and I played a horn and piano duet with one of my collegues. It was a nice end to the first half year of school but it is even more nice that we are officially on Christmas vacation until 2009!

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