Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jule-hygge "Christmas fun"

This weekend we were "home" in Esbjerg with Søren's mom and family for some Christmas festivities. It was meant to be a weekend of relaxing and enjoying each others company and it was. We started Saturday making special Danish Christmas candy...maybe you could call it Konfetti?! I don't know what you would say in English, but it is small balls of marcipan and nougat and then you can decorate it and top it with different things. It was a new tradition for me but it was very fun and tasty!

Søren and Ulla making "konfetti"

Our nephew Lukas and I working on a special batch.

That night we enjoyed an amazing dinner, played a board game and watched a movie together. We also enjoyed some Gløgg and Æbelskiver which are also traditional Danish Christmas treats.

Sunday was also a great day. We went to church in the morning and after yet another amazing meal Søren and I went into the town and shopped a bit. It was so festive with music and lights and fresh winter air. It was really a Christmas feel. When we got back we played the famous PACKAGE GAME... This is a simple present game where if you roll a 6 with a die you get to pick a present. When all the presents are gone everytime you roll a 6 you can steal from someone else. The fun thing is that there are many presents, more than one to each and sometimes you have a huge pile of presents and other times you have none. All of a sudden the timer will go off and then whatever presents you have in front of you are yours to keep. It was Lukas that made out the best this year, but Søren and I each came away with 2 gifts.

All in all it was a great weekend. Now just one week more and we have almost 2 weeks of vacation. Can't wait can't wait!!!

Us playing the package game!

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