Sunday, December 14, 2008

Old Town Denmark

We've been very busy with Christmas festivities ever since Thanksgiving. Last weekend we were again on the road visiting friends and family. Friday we visited my old roomate from the first year I lived in Denmark. Her and her husband live on the east coast of Jutland so we made it an overnight trip. We had such a good time, just talking and reminiscing. A few weeks earlier we had talked with them about going on a ski trip together. They had been looking into some places in France and had us look at the place they were thinking about. Well that night we began talking about the ski trip again, we looked at the website and yeah spontaneously booked the trip. So Søren and I are going to take a week long ski trip to the Alps in France in February! Exciting!

Anyway, Saturday we headed a little more north to a town called Århus. Søren's dad lives near there and had been storing our winter tires for us which we needed to get put on. We decided to make a day out of it and go to the "Old Town" that is in Århus. We had heard that it is very festive around Christmas time. It was very fun and interesting to be there. In the "Old Town" you can see how Denmark was in the olden days. The old houses, the post office, horse and buggies and much more. They also have people dressed up like the way it was back then. What was also really cool was that they had a special Christmas display where they showed how the Christmas traditions have grown since the 1600's. It was interesting to see and read about.

Christmas in the 1700's in Denmark. They have a tree but the presents were hung on the tree instead of wrapped and set under the tree.
An old road in the old town.

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