Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Søren

I am now only 1 year older than Søren... At least for 8 more months! We celebrated Søren's 24th birthday on Thursday. It was fantastic, Søren didn't have to go to school that day and I didn't have to work until 10:45 so I was able to sleep in and still make him a birthday breakfast, complete with Puffy Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.

As Danish tradition he opened all his presents in the morning and I had the neighbor put out Danish flags to celebrate!

That evening we went out to eat at a Chinese/Mongolian Barbeque buffet restaurant. It was delicious and we we're very full. Then I had a suprise for Søren. I took him to the bowling alley and we had an hour to bowl as much as we wanted. The extra catch for the birthday boy was that for every strike he got he also recieved a smaller present! At first I think he was a bit psyched out by the pressure but he ended up doing really well and after 4 rounds he had won almost all the presents. It was a fun night!

Søren bowling a strike??!

Opening a present after bowling a strike!

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